Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Thomas Burridge - Libertarian Party Candidate

About me

My name is Thomas Burridge and I am eighteen waiting to go to University, I am the Libertarian Party Candidate for Norwich North.

Born 17th May 1991
Born in Kings Lynn, Lived in Norfolk for most of life.
Educated firsly at Litcham High School and Further at Dereham Sixth Form (studied Politics, Philosophy and History).
My political beliefs are outlined below:

Largely considers himself a a minarchist libertarian.

Economy: Believes that an enviroment where all businesses can compete fairly and without government interference is the best economic approach.

Health: In favour of a privatised NHS but done in a sensible manner, no massive sales or closure of hospitals. A process that begins with removing the layers of waste within the NHS.

Education: In favour of a voucher system.

Defence: Believes that Britain should have a strong defensive army only to be used in defence of our country.

Immigration: Believes that government should not be able to tell people where they can and cannot live and work, but recognises that practically a points based system is the best option for Great Britain.

Welfare: Must be scaled back to end the dependancy culture and should be gradually transferred to the private sector.

Law and Order: Strongly opposed to New Labour's police state, our civil liberties must be protected."Those who would sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither."

Electoral Reform: The monopoly on power of LibLabCon must be broken, the Single Transferable Vote system is the best way to do this while preserving the constituency link.

The EU: Believes that the EU threatens both our liberty and our national sovereignty, the project has gone too far to be renegotiated so the only option for Britain is immediate withdrawal.


At 10:08 pm, Blogger Unknown said...


What are your views regarding the economic crisis we find ourselves in? I am particularly interested in your thoughts surrounding the following points:

(1) Future regulation of the market
(2) Re-numeration for company directors/traders/bankers
(3) International cooperation and pan-European regulation

On a separate matter, how would you deal with the menace that is the BNP?

Best of luck for the by-election.


At 1:13 am, Blogger by_elections said...

This blog reports what all the candidates are upto in the by-election.

You need to contact the Libertarian Party to get your question answered.

Contact delails are:

Telephone: 01603 850573

Press info: 07505 228618


Post: 17 Riseway Close, Norwich, NR1 4NJ

Hope this helps
By_elections Blog


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